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What’s the difference between fashion and style? I think Iris Apfel said it best, “you can buy your way into fashion, but style is in your DNA and thrives on individuality and courage.” Style is more than just the clothes you wear, it’s the energetic signature you send out to the world, telling them who you are, how you want to be perceived, and how you view beauty in the world. Some may tell you to be stylish is to be vain, addicted to shopping, or shallow. But the creatives and fashion aficionados know it’s just another form of art and play. Another way of creating a vibe, a feeling, and bringing forth creative beauty.

 But what does it mean to have style? I think that depends largely on who you ask. But to me, style is a unique perspective with an identifiable throughline that can be traced back to a certain person, designer, or creative. There is an identifiable element and when you see it, you know who made it, or who would wear it, or who it reminds you of.

When I think of style a couple major designers come to mind, Schiaparelli, Chanel, Rick Owens...they all have a distinct and unique taste that you can see in every collection, in the tiny details, in the ethos and energy of the brand. Unique identifiers that hint at the creative genius behind the clothing label.

 When it comes to personal style, I think of style icons like Jackie Onassis, Carolyn Bessette, Carrie Bradshaw, Chelsea Hampstead (Simon Miller) and Olympia Marie (Creative Director of J. Crew). These women had/have a style identity. It doesn’t mean they didn’t deviate from the classic or try new things, but they embody a specific look that you can be seen through their style choices. They identified a type or way of dressing that suited them and they play within that space.

How can one obtain style or become stylish? My ego wants to tell you that you’re either born with it or you’re not. Or you’re raised in a house that appreciates it - but that’s not really true. I think personal style is an evolution and about creating an awareness around how you show up for yourself. I know some people do not care about style, what they wear, or how they look (aka my husband). And that’s fine, no judgement here, you do you babe. But if you do care and are wondering how to better cultivate your own unique sense of style, this journal post is for you.

Here are my tips for anyone that would like to really hone their sense of style and create a signature look.

Step 1. Identify Icons You Love

Create a list of style icons you love or someone who has a specific style you would like to emulate and begin to piece together common threads. Are they colorful? Do they love bold prints? Are they more chic and refined? Do they tend to stick to neutrals? Or is it all about the tailoring? Find and identify the things you love about this icon and why.

Step 2. Start a Mood Board of What You Would Like to Buy

You should see the number of mood boards I have! I make mine on Pinterest or Canva, you can even get crafty and make an old-fashioned collage. This will help you start to refine and niche down the looks you’re going for. Remember, style icons don’t chase trends, so stick to items and tailoring that will look good in ten years. Creating a mood board will also help your shopping impulses. You can ask yourself when you’re out, was this on my mood board?

Step 3. Go Through Your Closet

I like to gather my friends, as having someone’s harsh critiques about what to keep and what to donate always make the process faster. If you haven’t worn it in months or years, ask yourself why, then ask yourself if this is something your Icon would wear. If no, place in the donate pile. You really only need a couple key pieces in your closet to start that capsule wardrobe and lay the foundation of style.

Step 4. Start Slowing Collecting Pieces

Do not go out and drop a ton of money on a whole new wardrobe. Instead, try to be very selective of what you invite into your closet. You are now a powerful bouncer at a very exclusive club and not just any garment is invited to the party. When you start to collect items for your closet pay attention to materials, cuts/tailoring, construction, durability, how to wash, and what you can wear with this piece. Stick to natural fibers when you can - cashmere, wool, cotton, silks, or a blend of these items. Even if you pay a little more for these, they will last you! Please for the love of pie stay away from “fast fashion”. We are more interested in price-per-wear and longevity then a cheap garment that will fall apart after three wears. 

Step 5. Shop Second Hand

As a professional thrifter, I can tell you some of my most beloved pieces are second hand. There are two levels of shopping second hand, 1) consignment, and 2) thrifting. If you don’t love digging around piles of clothes and you want nice stuff, I suggest looking for consignment stores that curate looks and sift through everything for you to create a more high-end shopping experience. These stores tend to be a little more expensive but I often find my high-end designer pieces here. Pro-tip, the best consignments stores are in the wealthiest parts of town.

If you love the thrill of the hunt and getting the deal of the century, I recommend thrift stores. These stores require patience and an eagle eye to spot the gems amongst the rubble, but when you score, you score big.

Remember, style is an evolution – it takes time, awareness, some terrible outfit choices, and a strong sense of identity. None of this comes quickly and your style will change as you change. The point is to have fun, feel beautiful, and make a bold statement. Don’t be afraid to standout, to be overdressed, or have some looks thrown your way. Badass women don’t hide, they shine in the spotlight.

If you have any questions or want some extra advice, don’t hesitate to reach out! I love talking about styling and happy to help! 

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